Sungmin Sekai
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Sat 13:00-14:00
Datum 2/12/15

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 Gostinska Soba

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Kim Šin 김신
Kim Šin 김신

Broj komentara : 133
Join date : 2023-08-15

Informacije o Karakteru
Informacioni Karton:
Gostinska Soba L1000000000/1000000000Gostinska Soba Pra  (1000000000/1000000000)
Magijska Energija:
Gostinska Soba L1000000000/1000000000Gostinska Soba Pra  (1000000000/1000000000)
Gostinska Soba L1000000000/1000000000Gostinska Soba Pra  (1000000000/1000000000)

Gostinska Soba Empty
KomentarNaslov komentara: Gostinska Soba   Gostinska Soba EmptyWed Aug 16, 2023 5:01 pm

Gostinska Soba PicsArt_08-16-04.51.14
Gostinska Soba je mesto gde Predsednik ugošćava sve dobrodošle ljude.
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Gostinska Soba
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